Chapter One :Chapter 1

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


This story revolves around Fantasy and Romance.


“Running away from your problems is a race you’ll never win.”


IN the middle of the night... dark, infernal, the sinister shadowing from the moon, the clan of the Alderman is having an urgent meeting inside the four corners of the Victorian hall.

“I already told you, Felix, being involved with humans will put our race into banishment. But you didn’t listen to me!” shouted the old man in his black cape, sitting on a gold throne.

“Forgive me father, for I’ve loved her,” Felix replied, kneeling on the hard, cold floor. Two men are holding him side by side.

“You lead our race into war!” said the voice of an old woman, who happens to be Felix’s mother.

Helen on the corner keep on crying as she was holding her daughter.

“Whitlock is now hunting as down. The Royalties already knew about it. Now, how will you solve this, Felix?!”

Felix was about to talk when they heard loud screams from the outside. The old man stood up and his eyes turned red as he sensed danger. “War,” the old man whispered. “The Whitlock’s is here!”

People inside the room started to put in a hurry. One by one, they left the room. Felix, Helen, their daughter, and Felix’s parents remain inside.

Felix's father went closer to him, “This is the consequences of your doings, son. And you knew we can’t stop this,” the old man said in a monotonic voice, “but you’re still our child. And we will do everything to protect you. The Whitlock wants to rule over the Purebloods. Now, I want you to escape before it’s too late.”

Felix shook his head. “No, father, I will face this. I’m the one who brought you with this chaos.”

Helen’s daughter began to cry, and the two men looked in their direction. Helen shook her head, telling him not to give up.

“They need a husband and a father, son,” said the old man.

From the outside, the Whitlock’s were very eager to kill the Aldermans', and those people who try to protect them will be killed. Even those innocent children. They beheaded them; they bite their necks until blood-drenched out—they kill mercilessly.

Alderman’s is the ruler of Purebloods, but Whitlock’s are stronger than them when it comes to battle.

Felix led his family into the woods, he was holding her daughter, and Helen was holding his hand as they run. “Felix, go inside that passage, it will lead you into—”

“Father!” Felix screamed as he saw the head of his father fell from the ground. A boomerang flew on top of them and went to their east, in there they saw the head of Whitlock’s catches his sharp metal boomerang. His mother screamed and cried out loud as she approaches her husband who’s now lying in the bed of leaves.

The head of Whitlock’s is grinning as his eyes are fixed on Felix.

“Run now, son!” shouted her mom.


“Run!” the old woman screamed. So, they did.

A tear fell from Felix's eyes as they run inside the passage. Felix can’t teleport as only Royal vampires can possess that magic. But he can put trance to their enemy. When he deduced that they’re meters away from the enemies, Felix stopped and make a trance to buy them time. But he knew that it will not last long. By now, her parents were already lying on the ground, breathless.

Helen keeps on crying while their daughter is in silence, wondering what’s going on. “Felix… let’s g-go,” she said, between her sobs.

Felix shook his head, telling her that he can’t do it.

“Run now, my love, and never look back.”

“No, Felix! I won’t let you g-go,” said Helen as her face was drenched in tears.

“They’ll be here in a minute. Escape now before they broke the trance.” Felix cupped the woman’s face and kissed her forehead. Felix then wiped the tears flowing down her cheeks. “I will always be on your side. Run now. Save our angel. Ramona is waiting at the end of the chamber.” Felix knew that this will be the day that the Whitlock’s will evade their territory, so, he did prepare everything for his family. If this was about to happen. He let Ramona wait outside the chamber. Felix kissed the baby’s cheeks and turned to his wife whose tears keeps on flowing as she cries. “I love you, Helen,” he said and planted a soft kissed on Helen’s lips. “Now, go.”

Helen could not do anything as the purebloods hunt them and want to kill her child. Glisten tears, heavy heart, Helen escaped the dark wall of the chamber. At the end of it, she saw Ramona—their loyal servant.

“Did you bring it, Ramona,” she asked. As Felix plans for their escape, Helen also plans to sacrifice and never let her husband be alone.

Ramona nodded and placed the basket in front of them. Inside the basket is a baby who resembles her daughter. As Ramona is a witch, she asked her to make a baby that exactly looks like her daughter. The Whitlock’s mission was to kill all the Alderman’s and that includes her and her daughter. So, she planned to fake her daughter’s death as she knew that they will never escape it.

Helen then handed over the baby to Ramona. “You know what to do.” Helen took off her necklace and put it on Ramona’s palm. “That necklace will save you and my baby. Please, take care of her.” She kissed the baby's lips one more time. “Now, go!”

Ramona then runs as fast as she could, leaving Helen into the woods.


“MAIA, stay out of the window. It’s already past eleven, sweetie. A vampire might get you.”

Confusion flustered on the face of a seven-year-old girl, Maia. “Vampire? Does vampire exist, momma Mona?” she asked.

Mona finishes folding the last cloth and puts it in the basket. She stood up from the wooden chair and went closer to Maia. She runs her fingers on Maia’s soft, shiny, long black hair. “Of course, they become real when you disobey momma,” she said and smiled at the young girl.

Amusement lit the little Maia’s eyes. “I want to be a vampire, momma. Rawr!” the little girl said and gestured like she has fangs and claws.

Her momma laughed and slightly pinched her cheeks. “Silly, beautiful pumpkin. We’re in the modern world and vampires don’t exist. They’re just a myth.”

“But you just said that they exist, momma,” she said, seemed dismayed, and pouted her lips.

“Oh, my darling. They’re just formed by humans’ imaginations. They only exist in the movies or books. Hmmm… But I can tell you a story about one of them. Do you want to hear it?”

Maia nodded and clapped her hands, as excitement lit her face. Mona shook her head as she saw Maia’s potential to know more about vampires.

Mona heaved a deep sigh. “Okay, let’s get you to bed first and momma will start telling you the story.” She lifted the young girl and lay her on the bed. She pulled the blanket up to Maia’s chest and sat beside her.

“Once upon a time…” Mona started, “in the World of vampires, there live the Purebloods.”

“What is a pureblood, momma?” asked Maia.

“Pure vampires or simply called purebloods, are vampires that are born to two vampires. Like for example, I’m a pureblood vampire, the one I should marry must be a pureblood vampire too.”

“Oh. Like when you’re a human, you must marry a human too. Like Anna’s parents, momma?” the young girl said and was talking about her classmate, Anna.

Mona smiled. “Yes. But the difference is that they must be both vampires. Okay, let me continue my story. Don’t throw questions again so that I can finish it.”

Maia nodded and hugged her white teddy bear.

“There are five Pureblood families in the Vampire World—The Barlowe, Caddel, Laurier, Whitlock, and The Alderman family. Among those families, Alderman is the purest. They never drink blood from humans and never hurt humans, while the remaining four families, they kill and drink human blood.”

Maia opens her mouth and was about to speak when her momma gestured to keep quiet. The young girl then acted like she was zipping her lips. Mona smiled.

“Alderman family is the kindest purebloods, and the Royal Vampires—the eldest known family of vampires and holds the highest rank in the vampire world—as they have the final say of everything. They come up with the decision and make the Alderman the ruler of all Purebloods. Many got envious of their decision. And there’s no war happened not until an Alderman fell in love with a human.”

Maia gasped. “Is that possible, momma?”

Mona nodded and continued. “Felix Alderman is the youngest member of the Alderman Family—as the ruler of all the Purebloods, all members must remain pure. They must not taint their bloodline. But Felix can’t resist his affection for the woman whom he met when he went to the human world. Helen was a beautiful lady with an irresistible charm. Felix and Helen fell in love with each other and produce an offspring—a beautiful little goddess named, Helena.”

“Wow! I’m Helena too. Maia Helena, right, momma?” the young girl asked. It was already past eleven and the young girl is still lively.

Mona just smiled. “As this happened on the Alderman Family, their bloodline has already been tainted, and the remaining four families make the situation their chance to take down the Alderman’s and change the Royalties' decision. The head of The Whitlock family—being the greediest for power, reported it to the Royal family and plans to ruin all the remaining families and remain as the only purebloods in the Vampire world. The war began and baby Helena’s parents have been killed during the war. Then Whitlock became the only Pureblood Family in the vampire world. The end.”

“What? Momma, why too short?”

“Because it’s already midnight, sweetie. You need to sleep,” said Mona.

“But momma—”

“Don’t make things hard for momma, Maia. And you know vampires are just a myth, they don’t exist. You better not talk about them when you’re in public, okay? I know you love vampires, but please, sweetie, people might think you’re insane when you talk about red eyes and fangs.”

“But I saw a book in your room, momma. And I saw pictures of fangs, red eyes, long sharp nails, and blood. And you always telling me that if I will not be a good girl, they will get me.”

Mona laughed and shook her head. “Forget about—” A loud thud stopped Mona.

Maia immediately gets up. “What’s that, m—” Mona covers Maia’s mouth and she put a finger on her lips. “Shh…”

The wind blew coldly from the open window. Mona turned off the lampshade and hugged the young girl.

“Momma, what’s happening?” the young girl whispered.

“Did you wear your necklace?”

The young girl nodded.

“Promise me that you will not take that off from your neck, okay?”

The young girl nodded again.

“Now, get up and ride on my back, sweetie. Be quiet,” Mona instructed and slowly lifted Maia.

Mona walked closer to the passage connected to Maia’s room. Even if she was not sure about the sudden noise, her instinct is telling her that it’s a danger. She slowly twisted the knob and went in. The seven-year-old Maia has no idea what was happening but as her momma always said, obey. Mona closes the door.

She was about to lock it when she heard a noise from the outside. “They’re not here!” said the male voice as it sounds deep.

“Search the area! We need to kill them!” shouted the man.

Maia’s eyes widened but she never talks, and Mona was grateful for that. She locked it and slowly walked away until someone’s trying to open the door.

That’s the cue that she needs to run.

Mona runs as fast as she could until she stepped out of her house and run to the woods. She was ready for these circumstances. She knew that this day would come.

Mona successfully escaped from the villains, but she doesn’t know when her escaping lasts. So, she decided and leave the young girl in the convent where her friend Nana resided as a nun.

“Are you sure about this, Mona?”

“I need to go somewhere, and I can’t bring Maia there. Please take care of her,” Mona said as she held Nana’s hand.

“May I ask where?”

“Leave us for a while, Nana. Thank you,” all she could say.

The nun then walked outside the room. Mona locked the door and get back to Maia’s place. She kissed the young girl's forehead and whisper something on the young girl’s ear, “stay safe, Maia Helena… Alderman.”



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